
Category: Home server on Nix

This series of posts will cover the set-up of a server running on NixOS from a computer running on NixOS. The fact that you are considering Nix implies that you think you know your way around Linux. As such, this guide will be more cookbook than textbook.

The entries in bold are more interesting things, the rest are just friends we make along the journey.

  1. Installation
  2. Ops and tooling
  3. Applications
    • Introduction: Apache reverse proxy and containers with tinode as an example
    • Prosody: Prosody (a XMPP communication server) in Nix container.
    • Git: Git and Gitea
    • Mediawiki: Mediawiki, actually just a demo for nix-sops
  4. Misc

All posts under this category:


Git and Gitea

Installing Git and Gitea on NixOS

Hydra on NixOS

Settings up a build server with Hydra.



Running mediawiki on NixOs



Reverse proxy in NixOS

Use your NixOS config as a central config hub to define your reverse proxies.

Secrets with nix-sops

Setting up secrets storage on NixOS

Deployment with NixOps

Deploying to your server with NixOps


Prosody chat server on NixOS

Prosody chat server on NixOS