
Category: Te Araroa

Here are all the posts of my Northern Te Araroa journey.

All posts under this category:

Te Araroa Pt. 1

First part of a series of posts of my pictures and journal entries while walking 1000km down New Zealand.

Te Araroa Pt. 10

Bumbling about in Auckland

Te Araroa Pt. 11

Becoming a tourist.

Te Araroa Pt. 12

Dashing through the Timber Trail and smashing personal records.

Te Araroa Pt. 13

Climbing volcanoes at 2am and stuff.

Te Araroa Pt. 14

Canoeing 200km down the Wanganui River.

Te Araroa Pt. 15

Resuming the track after meeting up with my friend.

Te Araroa Pt. 16

The Tararua Ranges, or, 0.5km/h scrambling.

Te Araroa Pt. 17


Te Araroa Pt. 2

Part 2 of a series of posts of my pictures and journal entries while walking 1000km down New Zealand.

Te Araroa Pt. 3

Part 3 of my Te Araroa adventure. I finish the empty beach section and begin the savage forest section.

Te Araroa Pt. 4

Finishing the legendarily hard (according to the internet) Raetea forest, and then some.

Te Araroa Pt. 5

Walking past some towns and kayaking to the next chunk of forests...

Te Araroa Pt. 6

Going to and then through the Russell Forests.

Te Araroa Pt. 7

Home visits and... more beaches!

Te Araroa Pt. 8

Beach, beach, beach, hills, hills, and what I learned from two strangers.

Te Araroa Pt. 9

Finally reached Auckland. Finished 1 set of notes, still have like 10 more to go.