

What follows is a fairly minimal config. This is also a place where we can show how to provision secrets. Setting this up is easy. One point to note is to try and avoid mounting files onto /var/run in the container. I haven't experimented too much but I've had it break once from doing that.

{ config, pkgs, port, ... }:
pwdfilePath = "/tmp/password";
containers.mediawiki= {
autoStart = true;
ephemeral = true;
bindMounts = { # put appropriate binds here
"${pwdfilePath}" = {
hostPath = config.sops.secrets.mediawiki.path;
isReadOnly = true;
config = {
services.mediawiki= {
enable = true;
name = "My Wiki";
passwordFile = pwdfilePath;
extensions = {
InputBox = pkgs.fetchzip {
url = "https://extdist.wmflabs.org/dist/extensions/InputBox-REL1_36-aa70764.tar.gz";
sha256 = "0rqvn6rf7jswv02s8ajh31hd5ksvxq84sjpapda0083drxbwj96f";
virtualHost = {
hostName = "wiki.home.com";
adminAddr = "[email protected]";
listen = [
"ip" = "*";
"port" = port;
# "ssl" = true;
sops.secrets."mediawiki" = {};