Meta-linguistic abstraction

Mastery check

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Environment model

Environment model: Students need to be able to describe the structures and references that evolve when programs are evaluated using the environment model. The core of the model is function definition (function declaration and lambda expressions) and function application. Students need to realize that the environment model is determined by the scoping rules of the language. Avengers can ask:

  1. What is the purpose of the environment model?

  2. Why do function objects need to keep track of an environment? Why can't they point to whatever environment they are being called from?


  1. What is memoization? How would you go about memoizing something?

  2. Can every function be memoized?

  3. Is it possible to write a higher-order memoize function that takes a function as argument and returns a memoized version? If yes, show how. If no, give a counterexample.


  1. How are streams, an potentially infinite construct, even possible?

  2. [SICP Ex 3.58] Give an interpretation of the stream computed by the function

    function expand(num, den, radix) {
    return pair(
    quotient(num * radix, den),
    expand((num * radix) % den, den, radix)

    where quotient computes integer division, in which the fractional part (remainder) is discarded.


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