
Te Araroa Pt. 9

Day 27


Day 27, 14 Dec 17

Had a hearty breakfast at the lookout and then proceeded to the cafe for some more heartiness. Had some cakes and topped up my water. Then just idled around for a bit. These guys are way too relaxed; I would never do such a thing, just waiting around until you felt like moving.

I had to go alone to Puhoi because of the tide timings . I wanted to get the kayak to Wenderholm today because any other day would result in me simply wasting another day or two. So I parted with Reg and Luke, and dashed off. I must say this section was not really very interesting. It might be because I was going at breakneck speed. A good amount of road, some annoying steep climbs, a big radio tower, some bush and crickety bridges... another ordinary day.

Got to Puhoi in time for some fish and chips. This time there was a layer of paper between the food an newspaper. I don't get this fascination with putting food onto newspapers but at least its wasn't directly touching it.

Hopped onto a kayak for a short trip down the river. Steering was a bit odd, the boat kept going in random directions like it had a mind of its own. I guess it might have been the eddies below though the surface seemed quite calm. The mangroves on the way were just plain ugly. Say all you will about the benefits of mangroves for coastlines and stuff, they're just pretty ugly and sometimes smelly and slimy. However there were great views of the setting sun and the countryside.

I'll be heading into Auckland city real soon now. I'll really be much happier if there was a shower at this campsite to wash the dirty mangrove stuff off of me.

Day 28


Day 28, 15 Dec 17

First of all happy birthday. Two decades on this rock.

Started the day off with a bang. Had a bar of chocolate as a cake and a whole smoked chicken that I carried all this way for dessert. Full and satisfied, I set off and then promptly got lost in the forest. I guess I must have followed the wrong markers. Anyway I was already deep inside when I realised I was deviating from the GPS track. Was pretty stupid to keep pushing.

It was really really bad. There was no track, and the soil was wet. In some places dead-fall blocked the way; in others the ground caved in and you had to find some way to cross safely. I was crawling along and getting really angry when the vegetation started thinning and I came onto this hilltop and found an old man sitting on a bench. Guess I made it out.

Next was a scramble along some beach and boulders. This part was simply amazing. The rocks looked out of this world! Simply breathtaking. I felt like walking on billions of years of history and transformation.

The jouney after this was pretty ordinary, some more flat beach, and plenty of road. Now I'm at Stillwater Holiday Park which lets walkers stay for free. I really appreciate that, it makes me feel recognized, that someone understands the struggle and genuinely wants to help. Most people just look at me like I'm a madman and some amusing delusional tourist.

Day 29

Day 29, 16 Dec 17

Ended really late today so I'm writing this later.

Started from Stillwater today to begin my journey to Auckland. I started really late to wait for low tide. I had to cross yet another estuary. This one was more straightforward than the previous (and clearer).

At low tide most of it was dry apart from one deep channel of maybe 50m wide. I followed the notes to "take a wider arc and follow the markers" and promptly regretted as the water got so deep there I felt like being washed away. It was slowly reaching my chest, so I turned back quickly. After some more trying and testing, I found a path that was only waist deep. I felt like the tide was slowly rising so I just charged forward. My tent and sleeping bag got wet in the process as the water level was that high.

This was the most memorable part of the day, because for the rest of the day it was just walking past beaches and hilly streets. I was also in a bad mood because somehow the river crossing destroyed my "waterproof" phone. Also I really disliked this section because honestly walking in streets is kinda lame.

At night I payed $40 to sleep in a lumpy camp spot. This really killed it and made it really lousy.

Day 30

Day 30, 17 Dec 17

I reached Auckland today! Finally I can take a break for a few days. Actually now that I'm here I don't feel like moving anymore.

Spent the whole day trying to find a repair center for Sony. When I finally got there they were closed. Gave up, just went to buy a new phone.

Really did nothing today apart from trying to get my phone sorted out. The next few days I will spend touring Auckland and recovering,

Also it's 30 days since I started at Cape Reinga! 1 month of non stop (give or take) walking.