

We will assume a working internet connection on the server. If you do not have internet, you cannot run Nix (the package manager).

We will be be running ZFS as our filesystem. Built-in snapshotting, compression, encryption are some of its boons. Therefore read some of the warnings on the NixOS wiki first. If it doesn't suit you, running ext4 is very easy, you can just follow the Nix manual (nixos-help).



I separate my disks into two classes. I have a SSD that I will use to hold the /boot and / partitions. I then have a few other drives that I will set up RAIDZ on to hold other data. I will not recommend you mixing these two.

There are two choices now for your non-root disks. The first choice is to create an empty GPT partition on every disk that spans the whole disk, and give every partition a good label. The Arch wiki gives some justification on why this is a good idea. It is fairly straightforward with gdisk. After this you can check that you did it right like so

~$ls -la /dev/disk/by-partlabel/
lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 15 Mar 16 14:08 ssd -> ../../nvme0n1p1
lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 10 Mar 16 14:14 sea-1 -> ../../sdb1

If you can't be bothered, just refer to the disks by the paths in this folder

~$ls -l /dev/disk/by-id
lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 9 Mar 16 14:34 ata-ST4XXX -> ../../sdb
lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 13 Mar 16 14:34 nvme-euXXX -> ../../nvme0n1

This might be easier for now because you do not need to worry about partition alignment and all that. Furthermore ZFS encourages one to allocate entire disks to it and not partitions.

For the root disk we will create three partitions, one for the EFI partition, one for ZFS, and another for swap space. One may choose to set up EFI and swap on ZFS, but it is not worth the hassle. While we're at it, please assign the partitions some sensible labels. The partition table will look something like this:

Number Start (sector) End (sector) Size Code Name
1 2048 206847 100.0 MiB EF00 EFI
2 206848 1929586687 920.0 GiB BF00 zroot
3 1929586688 1953525134 11.4 GiB 8200 swap

Resize the partitions as you wish. We also do not need more than one partition for ZFS. We can separate the /home and / partitions on ZFS without doing any manual partitioning. After this we can use the partitions (change the disk labels to your own):

~#mkfs.vfat /dev/disk/by-partlabel/EFI
~#mkswap /dev/disk/by-partlabel/swap
~#swapon /dev/disk/by-partlabel/swap

We will mount the ZFS partition in the following section after some set-up. Also the EFI partition is not mounted for the same reason.

Zpool creation

Storage is congregated into zpools in ZFS. They can span logical devices, or just be a single partition, there is great freedom here.

First we should check the sector size:

~$blockdev --getpbsz /dev/disk/by-partlabel/ssd
~$blockdev --getpbsz /dev/disk/by-partlabel/sea-1

As you can see my two disks report different sector sizes. For 512 and 4096 we want to specify ashift=12 later on. For larger drives you may encounter 8096 sector sizes and you will want ashift=13 instead. The OpenZFS documentation talks about the reasoning behind this.

Now create the root pool.

~#zpool create \
-o ashift=12 \
-O xattr=sa \
-O acltype=posixacl \
-O atime=off\
-O compression=lz4 \
-O mountpoint=none \
-O normalization=formD \
-R /mnt \
zroot /dev/disk/by-partlabel/zroot

The following is an elaboration on the options (-o is for the pool and -O is for filesystems).

  • ashift has been mentioned above.
  • xattr and acltype is needed and recommended for systemd-journald. See Nix wiki.
  • atime=off disables access time logging. Grants a performance boost.
  • compression=lz4 enables compression using lz4, grants a performance boost.
  • mountpoint=none disables automount as we want to use fstab for auto-mounting by NixOS.
  • normalization=formD is a recommended setting controlling UTF-8 normalization.
  • -R /mnt mounts the pool at /mnt after the command as a temporary mount point.

Dataset creation

Datasets are to ZFS what partitions are to other filesystems. The Nix wiki recommends a hierarchy like this:

- zroot
- local
- local/home
- local/root
- nix
- nix/nix

This adds some separation of concerns. For instance, we will encrypt the entire local but there is little need to encrypt nix. There is no need to backup any NixOS stuff, so we will only back up the local dataset, or even more efficiently, backup only local/home and the NixOS configuration file. More on that later.

Create the dataset for nix stuff.

~#zfs create -o mountpoint=none zroot/nix
~#zfs create -o mountpoint=legacy zroot/nix/nix
  • mountpoint=none disables mounting and mountpoint=legacy allows us to mount the dataset using mount. Otherwise you will have to use zfs mount. Again, this is to allow us to manage the mounts with fstab which Nix will generate.

Create the dataset for the root partition. We enable encryption here and all children will inherit this property. If you do not want this then encrypt the children separately.

~#zfs create \
-o mountpoint=none \
-o encryption=aes-128-gcm \
-o keyformat=passphrase \
-o keylocation=prompt \
~#zfs create -o mountpoint=legacy zroot/local/root
~#zfs create -o mountpoint=legacy zroot/local/home
  • encryption enables encryption. We explicitly specify aes-128-gcm algorithm to be used. One may refer to stackexchange on a brief comparison between the two algorithms available. Furthermore 128 bits is generally sufficient for home use, otherwise feel free to use 256 bits instead.
  • keyformat and keylocation specifies how ZFS obtains the encryption key (password). Our settings means that ZFS will just ask you for a password prompt. However it is much more robust to hold the keyfile in some removable media simply because entering into a prompt might not be feasible at times.

In the future you might notice that the encryption key remains in memory. To completely unmount a drive, you want to do

~#zfs unmount <ENCRYPTED DISK>
~#zfs unload-key <ENCRYPTED DISK>

As a sanity check run

~#zpool export zroot
~#zpool import -d /dev/disk/by-id zroot
~#zfs load-key zroot/local
~#zfs list

This unmounts the disks, then searches all devices (-d) for zroot and imports it. If you encounter a permission error it might be that you forgot to unlock an encrypted dataset, see zfs load-key above.

Next we do the actual mounting. This is fairly simple.

~#mount -t zfs zroot/local/root /mnt
~#mkdir /mnt/{nix,home,boot}
~#mount -t zfs zroot/local/home /mnt/home
~#mount -t zfs zroot/nix/nix /mnt/nix
~#mount /dev/disk/by-partlabel/EFI /mnt/boot

For more comprehensive docs, of course refer to the Oracle documentation.


We also want to create a pool of large mechanical disks and set them up in RAIDZ2. When choosing a RAID strategy, one must evaluate the value of data against efficiency and speed. It is a balancing act between these three attributes. RAIDZ2 is a good equilibrium for me, since double parity drastically lowers the chance of failures since any two disks can fail (compare with RAID0 or RAIDZ1). Furthermore it is more efficient, by using only two disks for parity (compare with mirroring which uses half the number of disks). Performance is also not really a consideration.

In any case, it is set-up very similar to how we set-up the root partition:

~#zpool create \
-o ashift=12 \
-O atime=off\
-O compression=lz4 \
-O mountpoint=/tank \
-O normalization=formD \
tank raidz2 \
ata-6Z \
ata-D8 \
ata-WB \
ata-R1 \
ata-QW \

The mountpoint is no longer legacy since we cannot zfs share a dataset mounted as legacy. To have it mount on boot, include the following

boot.zfs.extraPools = [ "tank" ];
boot.zfs.forceImportAll = false;

Note that if you have any encrypted datasets this might block startup depending on how your key is set up! Actually as long as your root filesystem is encrypted then it is not too big of a problem to leave the key for tank in the root file filesystem. Or see one of the solutions below: removable encryption key.

You will also have to replace the drive IDs (the ata-xxx entries) with yours; run ls -l /dev/disk/by-id to find yours.

If you are going to consider putting more than one dataset on the array, then it is recommended to enable encryption for them separately instead of globally here. You will find yourself stuck later on if you suddenly have the need to create an unencrypted dataset on this array. To enable encryption you will perform the same steps as detailed above.

NixOS installation

Now we are ready to install the system. Make sure you have mounted everything!

~#nixos-generate-config --root /mnt

Below is a minimal configuration file to get you started. It can be used as a drop-in replacement for the generated file, though you need to modify some settings.

1{ config, pkgs, ... }:
4 imports =
5 [ # Include the results of the hardware scan.
6 ./hardware-configuration.nix
7 ];
9 boot.supportedFilesystems = [ "zfs" ];
10 # If you have any encrypted datasets enable this:
11 boot.zfs.requestEncryptionCredentials = true;
13 # Use the GRUB 2 boot loader.
14 boot.loader.grub = {
15 enable = true;
16 version = 2;
17 efiSupport = true;
18 device = "nodev";
19 };
21 # Define your hostname.
22 networking.hostName = "localhost";
24 # Set to your timezone
25 time.timeZone = "UTC";
27 # This will be deprecated soon. See comments in config file.
28 networking.useDHCP = true;
29 # ZFS requires this setting
30 networking.hostId = "<random 8-digit hex string>";
32 # Define a user account. Don't forget to set a password with ‘passwd’.
33 users.users.username = {
34 isNormalUser = true;
35 extraGroups = [ "wheel" ]; # Enable ‘sudo’ for the user.
36 };
38 environment.systemPackages = with pkgs; [
39 wget
40 vim
41 tmux
42 git
43 pciutils # for lspci
44 ];
46 security.sudo = {
47 enable = true;
48 wheelNeedsPassword = false;
49 };
51 # Enable the OpenSSH daemon.
52 services.openssh.enable = true;
54 system.stateVersion = "20.09";

You might want to check /etc/nixos/hardware-configuration.nix and see if everything is alright there. If all is well, execute


and reboot.

Optional steps

Removable encryption key

If you have encrypted your root dataset then upon reboot you will be greeted by a prompt for the password. This can be very inconvenient at times, because:

  • there is nobody nearby to enter the password, or
  • the password is intentionally long and complex, or
  • the server has no input devices or display.

Now what you want is to have some kind of removable drive you insert in before booting and take out after startup. You would keep this safe at some separate place. There is a very simple way to implement this system. We will improvise on this github comment. Actually the Arch wiki also provides a similar solution, but their solution destroys the removable disk (you cannot store other things on it anymore).

Here lies the trick. Since the key is retrieved using getline(), it will stop after encountering the first newline character. Thus we can write our key into any partition, as long as we end it off with a newline. So first, create a small partition with fdisk. Here is output from my fdisk. You will want to give it a good label too, I called mine key.

Device Start End Sectors Size Type
/dev/sdc1 2048 2049 2 1K Microsoft basic data
/dev/sdc2 4096 30629342 30625247 14.6G Microsoft basic data

Now /dev/sdc2 can be used for whatever you like, and we will store the key on /dev/sdc1. Execute the following:

~#dd if=<(echo -e "<YOUR KEY HERE>\n") of=/dev/disk/by-partlabel/key

The key is simply stored as plaintext on the small partition. At the end of the day, regardless of how you obfuscate this, if you let someone steal your keys then they can unlock your gate.

Now, we modify the dataset in question to change where it sources its key from:

~#zfs change-key -o keylocation=file:///dev/disk/by-partlabel/key zroot/local

You can repeat the process to create a whole keychain on a USB stick. Since it is troublesome to shift and resize partitions, I suggest just creating slots for around ten keys or so. To do the partitioning all in one shot:

1for i in {1..10}
3 echo ":size=1,name=key$i";
4done | sfdisk /dev/sdc