
Setting up NFS and Samba on NixOS


After going through setting up our RAID array we want to create a network shared dataset using NFS. This is fairly easy. First enable NFS server support

services.nfs.server.enable = true;

Import the pool if you haven't done so already. Next,

~#zfs create -o sharenfs=rw= tank/public
~#zfs share -a

OpenZFS (what we are using) has fewer options than Oracle ZFS. The only one pertaining to us is rw= This will restrict rw access to clients on the provided subnet. You can also try ro with a smaller subnet to restrict write permissions. The last command shares all datasets. Try executing

~#exportfs -rv

to see that your dataset is shared.

On the client system,

fileSystems."<NFS PATH>" = {
device = "<SERVER IP>:/tank/public";
fsType = "nfs";

Right out of the box you might meet some permission issues. You can try to chown the pool such that both sides agree on permissions. If you couldn't care less, chmod 777.


If you want to share to a Windows device you will have to use Samba. The ZFS sharesmb option does not work for me. Setting up Samba independently is easy enough though:

environment.systemPackages = [ pkgs.smbclient ];
services.samba = {
enable = true;
securityType = "user";
shares.<NAME> = {
path = "/tank/public";
writeable = "yes";
browseable = "yes";
shares.global = {
"server min protocol" = "SMB2_02";

Next, for every user that needs access, create a user

users.users.<USER> = {
createHome = false;
shell = "/run/current-system/sw/bin/nologin";

on your server and then issue smbpasswd -a <USER>. Set the password and issue this to your user. From Windows your user would be able to log in with these credentials to \\<SERVER IP>\<NAME>.

NFS and Samba

This is not recommended if your share gets large. In a home situation, it is still very acceptable. Only proceed if you understand the implications and shortcomings of this set-up (mainly cross protocol conflicts) and can live with them

Since we are at home, we can just assume that everyone is friendly and give RW access to a single user. Create a new user for this purpose:

users.users.fileshare = {
createHome = false;
shell = "/run/current-system/sw/bin/nologin";
group = "fileshare";
uid = 42069;
users.groups.fileshare.gid = 42069;

The uid and gid defaults used by NFS are 65534. This might be the nobody:nobody user and group but to be sure we explicitly create an user. Now

~#zfs set sharenfs=rw=,all_squash,anonuid=42069,anongid=42069 tank

Now every user will be mapped to fileshare:fileshare when writing through NFS. Now to sort out Samba, run smbpasswd -a fileshare and set a password. You should now be good to go!


It is simple to enable automatic snapshots.

~#zfs set com.sun:auto-snapshot=true tank

The following makes daily snapshots and keeps a week's worth. Change depending on your usage intensity.

services.zfs.autoSnapshot = {
enable = true;
frequent = 0;
hourly = 0;
daily = 7;
weekly = 1;
monthly = 0;